UK Pole Champion

Just one match last weekend and I went to Tunnel Barn as I’d not been for ages. I’ve drawn a nice peg 13 on Canal and weighed 82-12 for 5th and a section envelope, but less than a 1lb off 3rd, so very close weights. Phil Canning was a comfortable winner off New Pool though. Weather wasn’t great and I was surprised how quickly it had turned into coldwater mode…

Back there Wednesday for the MAP UK Pole Championship ran by Match Fishing and drew peg 13 on Club. Not the lake I wanted, but still a very good corner peg and a chance of framing if it fished hard. I’ve fished this peg numerous times, but not since the lake was dredged a couple of years ago, so wasn’t sure what to expect. A few fish on pellets across and a few deep down the side but I could tell it was fishing moody and a swap to maggots was in order. F1s were rolling all over the lake but no one was really catching them. Thankfully this lake holds some carp and that’s what I managed to catch, mostly down the edge over Sonubaits Match Method Mix and F1 Original. I totalled 91lb which to my surprise was enough to win the match, a big trophy and a nice MAP 701 pole!

Up late swapping gear over, prepping bombs and teabags for the UK Champs at Barston the next day and really felt that would be the best way to catch a few carp. With Barston being so shallow any sudden influx of cold water affects the fishing, so I expected a tough match. Well I drew 108 and never had a bite on the bag while they both caught on it either side! I ended up with just 19lb of skimmers which I think was 3rd on our weigh sheet. A massive well done to Steve Ringer winning the event and Adam Wakelin winning the day.

I was hoping to be on the river today but my body says no. Soon be no leaves on the trees and time for the thermals…

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