

is this art
a b c
1 2 3
red yellow blue
square circle triangle
paper rock scissors
you don't understand
is this it
is less more
is art dead
is painting sculpture
are words art
can it be
is bad good
was that art
do you understand
perhaps this is art
white sphere

Sentences on Young British Art

  1. YBAs are irrational. they don't give a fuck about conclusions.
  2. Rational judgements are a waste of fucking time.
  3. Make irrational judgements.
  4. Formal art? Bollocks!
  5. If you wanna do it, then do it.
  6. Don't bottle out if you wanna make it. But if an idea's no good, fuck it!
  7. If you're gonna do something then stop wasting your fucking time and do it. so what if you get big headed.
  8. Fuck all that painting and sculpture shite. Think of something mad to do.
  9. if you've got a good idea then sod anything else and do it, for fucks sake.
  10. Its all very well keeping ideas in your head. But if its as good as you reckon then what are you fucking about for?
  11. You'll fry your brain if you think about it too long. Get it out of your system before it does your head in.
  12. Don't do anything if it's gonna turn out shit.
  13. Leave your ideas in your head if they're too fucked up.
  14. Other artists might be on your wavelength. You might be able to make some really good shit if you put your heads together.
  15. Use whatever you want and don't let any bastard tell you otherwise.
  16. Use words and stuff like that if you want. Don't worry if no one can read it.
  17. If you reckon it's what it is, don't let any fucker say it's not.
  18. Don't compare what you've done to all that old shit.
  19. Keep on churning it out.
  20. If what youre doing is any good it'll take the piss out of anyone elses stuff.
  21. New shit leads to even better shit.
  22. You don't know whats in your head until youve got it out.
  23. It don't matter if you don't understand anything and it don't matter if people don't understand you.
  24. What's good to you might be really shit to your mate.
  25. Who gives a fuck if you don't know what you've done or why you've done it?
  26. Other peoples stuff might look better than yours.
  27. Concepts? Schmoncepts!
  28. If you fuck up something, you'll know for next time wont you?
  29. Don't let anything get in your way.
  30. There might be loads of stuff to do with what you're doing. Don't ignore whats staring you in the face.
  31. Use different things if you want.
  32. Don't blag what you're doing to make it look good. If it's shit, it's shit.
  33. Only a complete twat could mess up a sound idea.
  34. Your stuff will look spot-on if you keep doing it enough times.
  35. If I say this is art, then that's what it fucking is, okay?