Photography is a big passion of mine and I particularly love shooting outdoors. In fact, I love nothing more than donning my chest waders and jumping in a lake or river to get that one special shot!
I have a BA in Fine Art and over 10 years experience as a professional photographer. My images have graced front covers in angling publications, both here and overseas, which makes me immensely proud. When I’m not using my trusty DSLRs I’m probably still zapping away with my iPhone, documenting everything and anything that catches my eye.
Anyone who books me for a Coaching session also gets a complementary photography service. It’s something I hope adds an extra dimension to their special day.
Get in touch if you want to book me for a freelance photography session of any description. I can supply professionally post-produced digital images for print and screen. I also offer very competitive rates for companies and individuals.
Please visit my Contact Page to get in touch.