Weekend Warrior
I have finally managed to rekindle my blog! It’s been offline for several months now as I wanted to upgrade the back end and do things a little differently this time. It’s took this long to finally kick myself up the backside and get it sorted.
Up to now I’ve always tried to hand-coded as much as I can myself. Even after I upgraded to a Foundation-based structure a couple of years ago I was hand coding pretty much everything but the scripts. It gave me lots of control and the back end was so neat and organised, but the downside was time. Plus, I was getting less and less into CSS with all its quirks and browser workarounds. Time’s precious and I simply haven’t go the time these days to keep researching the latest progresses on the coding side. The goalposts are constantly being moved. When I started there was just humble HTML, javascript and CSS!
WordPress makes things so much quicker and easier, especially in the evenings when time’s precious – and when I should be with my better half, or cooking, or cleaning, or tying rigs!
My weekend matches are the main thing I’ll cover, plus anything else that captures my imagination. Hopefully I can trawl backwards and pop some of my old stuff online that I posted over the last couple of years. First things first, let’s get some of my junk off the ground!