Author: Jon


Riverfest Finalist

I was runner up on the 80-peg Burton Joyce Riverfest qualifier yesterday and managed to qualify again for the Final! I drew peg 11 on the Rack, which was the second peg below the...


PB Barbel

I never realised quite how much rain we’d had until I surveyed my Riverfest peg on the Trent at Collingham on Wednesday. It was absolutely tanking through! A very heavy feeder for barbel was...


Good Times At Boddington

I was kindly invited to a friendly match on the dam wall at Boddington Reservoir on Monday. It was organised by John Kiddle and Andrew ‘Sticky’ Sharp who’s bravely going through chemo at the...


Rod & Line Fun At Makins

A few pics from a great day spent with Paul at the ever-impressive Makins Fishery. We chose a popular area on Lake 2, out of the strong wind, and caught on method, bomb and...


Tunnel Barn Memorial Match

Yesterday I was fortunate to fish the memorial match at Tunnel Barn Farm. It has been held every year in memory of Jenny Hamlington, plus the Tunnel Barn veterans who are sadly no longer...