Category: Makins


Rod & Line Fun At Makins

A few pics from a great day spent with Paul at the ever-impressive Makins Fishery. We chose a popular area on Lake 2, out of the strong wind, and caught on method, bomb and...

Live Match At Makins!

Had some really lovely feedback from the latest film I did with the Matrix cameras, covering my every move during a match at Makins Fishery. Hop over to the Matrix YouTube Channel if you...

Fishing In The Snow

Here’s a film from an extremely tough match I fished, targeting carp on a winter snake lake on Phase 3 at Makins Fishery. The weather forecasters never mentioned any snow!

Carping In A Blizzard

The weather forecast looked ok(!) so I booked on to the Makins open on Phase 3 yesterday. Pulled out end peg 1 on Derwent, right by the car park. Hoped I’d catch one or...

PB Ghostie!

Had this rather large portion yesterday! A very angry 20lb 5oz ghostie from Lake 2 at Makins Fishery. An epic scrap on my Horizon 3.3m XS Slim rod, stopping it reaching the ropes four...

A Coaching Day To Remember

My coaching has understandably been put on hold for the foreseeable future, but I’ve still got a couple of past sessions I haven’t posted about yet. First up was a great day spent on...

Makins Me Happy!

Just a very quick thanks to everyone out there who has watched my latest Live Match Fishing video from Makins. It’s had over 20,000 views in less than a week and I’ve had no...

A Live Match Video From Makins

I’ve just added another live match fishing video on my YouTube channel. A cracking day’s winter carp fishing at Makins Fishery. Enjoy!