The Carp Epicentre!
Had some great feedback for my latest Channel Members film. A live match and a real red-letter day on a weekend open contest at Makins Fishery. Enjoy!
Had some great feedback for my latest Channel Members film. A live match and a real red-letter day on a weekend open contest at Makins Fishery. Enjoy!
Saturday I was on the Winter Challenger at Tunnel Barn, held on Top and Jennys, with one qualifier off each lake. I sadly drew peg 11 on Jennys and knew I’d struggle to qualify...
Just fished three very different matches. First up was the On The Flyer silverfish qualifier at the Glebe on Lake 1. It’s fished completely different to how I expected. I drew peg 14 and...
A few pics from a great day spent with Paul at the ever-impressive Makins Fishery. We chose a popular area on Lake 2, out of the strong wind, and caught on method, bomb and...
Quickish catch up. Made a midweek trip to Packington couple weeks ago and had a nice win with 245lb. A film from the day is up in my members area. I also paid my...
Had some really lovely feedback from the latest film I did with the Matrix cameras, covering my every move during a match at Makins Fishery. Hop over to the Matrix YouTube Channel if you...
Here’s a nice video I shot with the Matrix camera crew, catching some quality Makins Fishery carp with just a single tin of corn.
Here’s a film from an extremely tough match I fished, targeting carp on a winter snake lake on Phase 3 at Makins Fishery. The weather forecasters never mentioned any snow!
The weather forecast looked ok(!) so I booked on to the Makins open on Phase 3 yesterday. Pulled out end peg 1 on Derwent, right by the car park. Hoped I’d catch one or...
Had this rather large portion yesterday! A very angry 20lb 5oz ghostie from Lake 2 at Makins Fishery. An epic scrap on my Horizon 3.3m XS Slim rod, stopping it reaching the ropes four...