Category: Coaching


Rod & Line Fun At Makins

A few pics from a great day spent with Paul at the ever-impressive Makins Fishery. We chose a popular area on Lake 2, out of the strong wind, and caught on method, bomb and...

Carp & Bream At The Glebe

A few pics from a great session with Paul Chambers at the Glebe Fishery in Leicestershire. We kicked off on hard pellets on the short pole for some quality carp and skimmers. Later on...

Wonderful Willow

I love the excitement and anticipation of visiting new venues and I spent a great day with Sam at Willow Lakes Fishery & Caravan Park near Grantham earlier this week. What a cracking place...

Species Hunting At Castle Ashby

We managed six different species when Douglas and I tackle the Brickyard at the beautiful Castle Ashby in Northamptonshire. Carp, tench, bream, roach, perch and a baby pike! The fishing was challenging but still...

Top Time On Top Pool

The highlight of my week has to be the coaching day I spent with Tony and Barry at the ever impressive Tunnel Barn. I gave them a morning demo and then we opted for...

Big Carp At Meadowlands

Some pics from another great coaching session with my two Dutch friends Peter and Herke. We had a lovely day on the big Lambsdown Lake at Meadowlands Fishery near Coventry.

Good Sport On The Wey Nav

I fondly remember a visit many years ago to the Wey Navigation, shooting a feature for Match Fishing magazine with Simon Willsmore. It’s a narrow, shallow and flowing canal that joins the River Wey...

Autumn Session At TBF

Always plenty of bites at Tunnel Barn Farm at this time of year and that was certainly the case when I was there with Adrian recently. We headed for the middle of Canal Pool...