Winter Festival Runner Up
On Monday and Tuesday I was at the fabulous Meadowlands for the On The Flyer TV Silverfish two-day festival. Day One I was on peg 10 on Warren. A nice peg yet I was...
On Monday and Tuesday I was at the fabulous Meadowlands for the On The Flyer TV Silverfish two-day festival. Day One I was on peg 10 on Warren. A nice peg yet I was...
A red-letter morning on the canal, catching quality roach, perch, bream and hybrids with worms and casters!
I had a nice day at Barston for the Angling Trust Silverfish qualifier yesterday. I’m definitely still not 100% fit, but dosed up on Benylin and Strepsils and coughed my way to a qualifying...
Stuck at home with the Lemsips the past two days! Half the anglers were all coughing and spluttering on the festival, so only a matter of time before I got it, even with social...
A lot of people know that Bob ‘The Maggot’ Taylor was one of my all-time angling heroes. A larger than life character, he ran the first ever canal opens I ever entered with his...
Some photos from a superb day spent with John, christening his pole on the River Avon in Stratford. The river was extra clear, despite heavy rain leading up to the session, but thankfully the...
Exclusive underwater film footage! Catching perch with chopped worm and maggots on the River Avon! Want even more? Become a Channel Member to unlock a library of over 100+ exclusive films!
The latest Channel Members film is a live match at Stratford-upon-Avon on the latest Riverfest qualifier. This was was held at Manor Farm, Seven Meadows, Stannells and Luddington with a big net of chub...
A quick 40 minutes lure fishing on my local heavily-coloured canal… with some new goodies!
Two very contrasting pegs at the weekend; one I don’t want to see again and one I definitely would like to draw many times! Saturday I was on a very full and coloured Top...