Another PB!


A very quick Boxing Day jigging session on the Grand Union with my Dad (as it was too chuffin’ cold!) lead to yet another personal best. This aluminium cooking pot was hooked some 15 metres away and put up a great scrap on light tackle.

After giving me a very dogged fight, neither of us knew quite what species it was until it surfaced. My Dad had to make a quick dash for the landing net and managed to scoop it just before it shed the hook.

I reckon this battle-scarred specimen might’ve gone a couple of pounds if we had weighed it and had almost certainly never ever seen a hook before.

I can now proudly boast to have caught the following species on a lure:

  • Perch
  • Pike
  • Zander
  • Chub
  • Carp
  • Fry
  • Narrowboat
  • Stick
  • Pot

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1 Response

  1. adidasmd says:

    I really enjoyed reading through this site.