Clocking Up The Miles
I have clocked up some miles at the weekend, for sure! Half of them by choice and the other half most definitely not…
Saturday I entered my first ever Fish South silvers qualifier which was down at Monk Lakes. Sadly it was not to be and I packed up before the end as I could hardly get a sniff off anything silvery but my last four bites were all carp. Had a good view of Robbie Taylor winning on the opposite bank, though, so good luck in the Final. Hope the phone’s fully charged!
Yesterday I was at Decoy Lakes for the second round of the individual winter league. I drew peg 5 on Horseshoe, which is normally an ok draw, but I think the wind’s scuppered my chances a bit. Thankfully the edge has got me out of jail and I’ve ended up with 72lb for 4th on the lake and a default section envelope. Well done Andy Rayment who’s caught from the off and fished a great match on peg 3 to win with 172lb. A big old gap between me and that peg but I still had a good view and was only 100lb adrift, ha ha!
I had to scoot straight off as I had to make a ‘little detour’ to Mablethorpe to rescue my stranded wife. Don’t ever ever ever rely on Green Flag and Admiral car insurance, that’s all I can say! Five and a half hours later we finally got home, minus her car. Must also thank my brilliant mum and dad for holding the fort. Love them to bits and we’d be lost without them!
Hope you’ve all had a good weekend. Over n out!