Top 5 At Decoy
Not long back from the Winter League Final at Peterborough. 30 teams of 10 across Decoy Lakes and the Fenland Drains.
Was handed peg 6 on Six Islands at Decoy and managed 5th in my 15 pegs with 22.7kg (50lb) which I was very happy with from my draw. Strange day as, other than two carp at 6m, I caught everything 4m down each edge on pellet. 50/50 carp and F1s, plus one small barbel.
Expanders over 2mm Dynamite XL micros worked best and 10-12 Slik elastic was ideal, although I inexplicably had an 0.14 hooklength sheared off by a lump, which cost me another point.
The four weights above me were all end/corner pegs, but I also had a bit of room, so no complaints. It was a looong day, however, taking 40 minutes longer than normal to travel there and back with fog, road closures and detours. We also had to wait an hour and 45 minutes after the match finished for our lake to finally get weighed in! Think they’d forgotten us!
I was happy with my top 5, but teamwise things weren’t so great off a pretty shocking draw. I must end by saying a very well done to Bordon on the team win as they’re a good bunch of lads and I know they’ve put the time in.
It’s finally time to start thinking about feeder flinging in readiness for the Golden Rod Final!