Members Only: Casters & Worms!
My first exclusive video for my YouTube Channel Members is an in-depth session using casters and chopped worm for carp and F1s. Almost 90 minutes of footage, including lots of close-up footage of the float with various styles of rig, including the jigga! Filmed at the excellent Packington Fisheries. Hope you enjoy it!
There are already two more contrasting sessions on the new Members Only area as well, so I will post a bit more about them very soon!
Learn more about joining here! 🙂

Jon , re paste fishing I have watched a video you have previously made using two paste floats one .3G the margin lighter. Could you please tell me if you shot them and how do you plumb up. It was a good video by the way but advice on these points would be appreciated.
I always shot mine unless its a proper self cocking float. Generally all teh shot is under the float but I will pull them down mid depth if tow is bad. So a 0.3g float probably takes 4x No9s shot. I shot them so all the body and just part of the tip is submerged. If you undershot them the buoyancy of the float will always try and rip the hook out of the paste unless you mix it like putty/plasticine. I prefer sloppy paste so the float needs to be properly shotted. I generally plumb so its around 1.5 to 2in overdepth to begin with and make small adjustments until its sitting right. Hope that helps!